The Xenbase anatomy ontology XAO is home to Xenopus anatomy terms as well as Xenopus developmental life stage terms, differentiated by namespace. The anatomy term class in LinkML will be named 'XBATerm' for Xenbase Anatomy Term and life stage terms will be named 'XBSTerm' for Xenbase Stage Term.
StageTerm <|-- XBSTerm
XBSTerm : ancestors
XBSTerm : child_count
XBSTerm : created_by
XBSTerm : cross_references
XBSTerm : curie
XBSTerm : date_created
XBSTerm : date_updated
XBSTerm : db_date_created
XBSTerm : db_date_updated
XBSTerm : dbkey
XBSTerm : definition
XBSTerm : definition_urls
XBSTerm : descendant_count
XBSTerm : descendants
XBSTerm : internal
XBSTerm : name
XBSTerm : namespace
XBSTerm : obsolete
XBSTerm : secondary_identifiers
XBSTerm : subsets
XBSTerm : synonyms
XBSTerm : type
XBSTerm : updated_by
URI: alliance:XBSTerm
Parent Classes
Name | Description |
ancestors | The ancestors of this term in the ontology, including the term itself. This language works well for the majority of use cases, however for a relationship like "develops_from", ancestors are the terms from which this term develops (not a true parent/child or ancestor/descendant relationship). |
child_count | None |
created_by | The individual that created the entity. |
cross_references | Holds between an object and its CrossReferences. |
curie | A unique identifier for a thing. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI |
date_created | The date on which an entity was created. This can be applied to nodes or edges. |
date_updated | Date on which an entity was last modified. |
db_date_created | The date on which an entity was created in the Alliance database. This is distinct from date_created, which represents the date when the entity was originally created (i.e. at the MOD for imported data). |
db_date_updated | Date on which an entity was last modified in the Alliance database. This is distinct from date_updated, which represents the date when the entity was last modified and may predate import into the Alliance database. |
dbkey | Typically the primary key on the table. Should be a global sequence in the database to insure uniqueness over the entire suite of tables. Alternatively, could be a serial8 identifier. Tables with a dbkey should have an alternate key to establish uniqueness based on the data in the table. |
definition | The definition of the ontology term. This is a reference to an object that holds the text description of the term and a collection of URLs that further define the term. |
definition_urls | None |
descendant_count | None |
descendants | The descendants of this term in the ontology, including the term itself. This language works well for the majority of use cases, however for a relationship like "develops_from", ancestors are the terms to which this term develops into (not a true parent/child or ancestor/descendant relationship). |
internal | Classifies the entity as private (for internal use) or not (for public use). |
name | a human-readable name for an entity |
namespace | the namespace of the ontology. |
obsolete | Entity is no longer current. |
secondary_identifiers | None |
subsets | None |
synonyms | A generic free-text field for objects that only have string representation of one or more synonyms and do not require meta data or attribution; if meta data or attribution are required to be captured for individual synonyms, consider the NameSlotAnnotation class |
type | None |
updated_by | The individual that last modified the entity. |
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | ['alliance:XBSTerm'] |
native | ['alliance:XBSTerm'] |
LinkML Specification
name: XBSTerm
description: The Xenbase anatomy ontology XAO is home to Xenopus anatomy terms as
well as Xenopus developmental life stage terms, differentiated by namespace. The
anatomy term class in LinkML will be named 'XBATerm' for Xenbase Anatomy Term and
life stage terms will be named 'XBSTerm' for Xenbase Stage Term.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
is_a: StageTerm
name: XBSTerm
description: The Xenbase anatomy ontology XAO is home to Xenopus anatomy terms as
well as Xenopus developmental life stage terms, differentiated by namespace. The
anatomy term class in LinkML will be named 'XBATerm' for Xenbase Anatomy Term and
life stage terms will be named 'XBSTerm' for Xenbase Stage Term.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
is_a: StageTerm
name: curie
description: A unique identifier for a thing. Must be either a CURIE shorthand
for a URI or a complete URI
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/core.yaml
multivalued: false
identifier: true
alias: curie
owner: XBSTerm
- CurieObject
- Identifier
- OntologyTerm
- Laboratory
- Annotation
- ExternalDataBaseEntityDTO
- GeneNomenclatureSet
range: uriorcurie
required: true
name: dbkey
description: Typically the primary key on the table. Should be a global sequence
in the database to insure uniqueness over the entire suite of tables. Alternatively,
could be a serial8 identifier. Tables with a dbkey should have an alternate
key to establish uniqueness based on the data in the table.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: dbkey
owner: XBSTerm
- ExternalDatabaseLink
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: name
description: a human-readable name for an entity
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: false
alias: name
owner: XBSTerm
- SequenceTargetingReagent
- SequenceTargetingReagentDTO
- Antibody
- AntibodyDTO
- Transcript
- TranscriptDTO
- Exon
- ExonDTO
- CodingSequence
- CodingSequenceDTO
- Chromosome
- ChromosomeDTO
- AssemblyComponent
- AssemblyComponentDTO
- Protein
- ProteinDTO
- AffectedGenomicModel
- AffectedGenomicModelDTO
- ResourceDescriptor
- ResourceDescriptorPage
- VocabularyTerm
- Vocabulary
- VocabularyTermSet
- OntologyTerm
- HTPExpressionDatasetAnnotation
- HTPExpressionDatasetAnnotationDTO
- CurationReportGroup
- CurationReport
- BulkLoadGroup
- BulkLoad
range: string
name: definition
description: The definition of the ontology term. This is a reference to an object
that holds the text description of the term and a collection of URLs that further
define the term.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: definition
owner: XBSTerm
- VocabularyTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: definition_urls
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: definition_urls
owner: XBSTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: type
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: type
owner: XBSTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: uriorcurie
name: cross_references
description: Holds between an object and its CrossReferences.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
- xrefs
singular_name: cross_reference
multivalued: true
alias: cross_references
owner: XBSTerm
- Antibody
- AuthorReference
- GenomicEntity
- GenomeAssembly
- OntologyTerm
- ExternalDataBaseEntity
- GeneInteraction
range: CrossReference
name: synonyms
description: A generic free-text field for objects that only have string representation
of one or more synonyms and do not require meta data or attribution; if meta
data or attribution are required to be captured for individual synonyms, consider
the NameSlotAnnotation class
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: synonyms
owner: XBSTerm
- VariantDTO
- SequenceTargetingReagent
- SequenceTargetingReagentDTO
- AffectedGenomicModel
- AffectedGenomicModelDTO
- ResourceDescriptor
- VocabularyTerm
- OntologyTerm
- Resource
- Variant
- GeneNomenclatureSet
range: string
required: false
name: namespace
description: the namespace of the ontology.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: namespace
owner: XBSTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: subsets
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: subsets
owner: XBSTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: secondary_identifiers
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
- secondary_ids
multivalued: true
alias: secondary_identifiers
owner: XBSTerm
- SequenceTargetingReagent
- SequenceTargetingReagentDTO
- Reagent
- ReagentDTO
- OntologyTerm
- Figure
- Image
- ExternalDataBaseEntity
- ExternalDataBaseEntityDTO
range: uriorcurie
name: ancestors
description: The ancestors of this term in the ontology, including the term itself.
This language works well for the majority of use cases, however for a relationship
like "develops_from", ancestors are the terms from which this term develops
(not a true parent/child or ancestor/descendant relationship).
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: ancestors
owner: XBSTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: OntologyTermClosure
name: descendants
description: The descendants of this term in the ontology, including the term
itself. This language works well for the majority of use cases, however for
a relationship like "develops_from", ancestors are the terms to which this term
develops into (not a true parent/child or ancestor/descendant relationship).
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: descendants
owner: XBSTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: OntologyTermClosure
name: child_count
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: child_count
owner: XBSTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: integer
name: descendant_count
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: descendant_count
owner: XBSTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: integer
name: created_by
description: The individual that created the entity.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
domain: AuditedObject
multivalued: false
alias: created_by
owner: XBSTerm
- AuditedObject
range: Person
name: date_created
description: The date on which an entity was created. This can be applied to nodes
or edges.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
- creation_date
- dct:createdOn
alias: date_created
owner: XBSTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: datetime
name: updated_by
description: The individual that last modified the entity.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
domain: AuditedObject
multivalued: false
alias: updated_by
owner: XBSTerm
- AuditedObject
range: Person
name: date_updated
description: Date on which an entity was last modified.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
- date_last_modified
alias: date_updated
owner: XBSTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: datetime
name: db_date_created
description: The date on which an entity was created in the Alliance database. This
is distinct from date_created, which represents the date when the entity was
originally created (i.e. at the MOD for imported data).
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: db_date_created
owner: XBSTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: datetime
name: db_date_updated
description: Date on which an entity was last modified in the Alliance database. This
is distinct from date_updated, which represents the date when the entity was
last modified and may predate import into the Alliance database.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: db_date_updated
owner: XBSTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: datetime
name: internal
description: Classifies the entity as private (for internal use) or not (for public
- Default value is true.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: internal
owner: XBSTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: boolean
required: true
name: obsolete
description: Entity is no longer current.
- Obsolete entities are preserved in the database for posterity but should not
be publicly displayed.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: obsolete
owner: XBSTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: boolean