OntologyTerm <|-- XBEDTerm
XBEDTerm : ancestors
XBEDTerm : child_count
XBEDTerm : created_by
XBEDTerm : cross_references
XBEDTerm : curie
XBEDTerm : date_created
XBEDTerm : date_updated
XBEDTerm : db_date_created
XBEDTerm : db_date_updated
XBEDTerm : dbkey
XBEDTerm : definition
XBEDTerm : definition_urls
XBEDTerm : descendant_count
XBEDTerm : descendants
XBEDTerm : internal
XBEDTerm : name
XBEDTerm : namespace
XBEDTerm : obsolete
XBEDTerm : secondary_identifiers
XBEDTerm : subsets
XBEDTerm : synonyms
XBEDTerm : type
XBEDTerm : updated_by
URI: alliance:XBEDTerm
Parent Classes
- AuditedObject
- CurieObject
- OntologyTerm
- XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
- CurieObject
Name | Description |
ancestors | The ancestors of this term in the ontology, including the term itself. This language works well for the majority of use cases, however for a relationship like "develops_from", ancestors are the terms from which this term develops (not a true parent/child or ancestor/descendant relationship). |
child_count | None |
created_by | The individual that created the entity. |
cross_references | Holds between an object and its CrossReferences. |
curie | A unique identifier for a thing. Must be either a CURIE shorthand for a URI or a complete URI |
date_created | The date on which an entity was created. This can be applied to nodes or edges. |
date_updated | Date on which an entity was last modified. |
db_date_created | The date on which an entity was created in the Alliance database. This is distinct from date_created, which represents the date when the entity was originally created (i.e. at the MOD for imported data). |
db_date_updated | Date on which an entity was last modified in the Alliance database. This is distinct from date_updated, which represents the date when the entity was last modified and may predate import into the Alliance database. |
dbkey | Typically the primary key on the table. Should be a global sequence in the database to insure uniqueness over the entire suite of tables. Alternatively, could be a serial8 identifier. Tables with a dbkey should have an alternate key to establish uniqueness based on the data in the table. |
definition | The definition of the ontology term. This is a reference to an object that holds the text description of the term and a collection of URLs that further define the term. |
definition_urls | None |
descendant_count | None |
descendants | The descendants of this term in the ontology, including the term itself. This language works well for the majority of use cases, however for a relationship like "develops_from", ancestors are the terms to which this term develops into (not a true parent/child or ancestor/descendant relationship). |
internal | Classifies the entity as private (for internal use) or not (for public use). |
name | a human-readable name for an entity |
namespace | the namespace of the ontology. |
obsolete | Entity is no longer current. |
secondary_identifiers | None |
subsets | None |
synonyms | A generic free-text field for objects that only have string representation of one or more synonyms and do not require meta data or attribution; if meta data or attribution are required to be captured for individual synonyms, consider the NameSlotAnnotation class |
type | None |
updated_by | The individual that last modified the entity. |
Mapping Type | Mapped Value |
self | ['alliance:XBEDTerm'] |
native | ['alliance:XBEDTerm'] |
LinkML Specification
name: XBEDTerm
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
is_a: OntologyTerm
name: XBEDTerm
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
is_a: OntologyTerm
name: curie
description: A unique identifier for a thing. Must be either a CURIE shorthand
for a URI or a complete URI
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/core.yaml
multivalued: false
identifier: true
alias: curie
owner: XBEDTerm
- CurieObject
- Identifier
- OntologyTerm
- Laboratory
- Annotation
- ExternalDataBaseEntityDTO
- GeneNomenclatureSet
range: uriorcurie
required: true
name: dbkey
description: Typically the primary key on the table. Should be a global sequence
in the database to insure uniqueness over the entire suite of tables. Alternatively,
could be a serial8 identifier. Tables with a dbkey should have an alternate
key to establish uniqueness based on the data in the table.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: dbkey
owner: XBEDTerm
- ExternalDatabaseLink
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: name
description: a human-readable name for an entity
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: false
alias: name
owner: XBEDTerm
- SequenceTargetingReagent
- SequenceTargetingReagentDTO
- Antibody
- AntibodyDTO
- Transcript
- TranscriptDTO
- Exon
- ExonDTO
- CodingSequence
- CodingSequenceDTO
- Chromosome
- ChromosomeDTO
- AssemblyComponent
- AssemblyComponentDTO
- Protein
- ProteinDTO
- AffectedGenomicModel
- AffectedGenomicModelDTO
- ResourceDescriptor
- ResourceDescriptorPage
- VocabularyTerm
- Vocabulary
- VocabularyTermSet
- OntologyTerm
- HTPExpressionDatasetAnnotation
- HTPExpressionDatasetAnnotationDTO
- CurationReportGroup
- CurationReport
- BulkLoadGroup
- BulkLoad
range: string
name: definition
description: The definition of the ontology term. This is a reference to an object
that holds the text description of the term and a collection of URLs that further
define the term.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: definition
owner: XBEDTerm
- VocabularyTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: definition_urls
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: definition_urls
owner: XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: type
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: type
owner: XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: uriorcurie
name: cross_references
description: Holds between an object and its CrossReferences.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
- xrefs
singular_name: cross_reference
multivalued: true
alias: cross_references
owner: XBEDTerm
- Antibody
- AuthorReference
- GenomicEntity
- GenomeAssembly
- OntologyTerm
- ExternalDataBaseEntity
- GeneInteraction
range: CrossReference
name: synonyms
description: A generic free-text field for objects that only have string representation
of one or more synonyms and do not require meta data or attribution; if meta
data or attribution are required to be captured for individual synonyms, consider
the NameSlotAnnotation class
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: synonyms
owner: XBEDTerm
- VariantDTO
- SequenceTargetingReagent
- SequenceTargetingReagentDTO
- AffectedGenomicModel
- AffectedGenomicModelDTO
- ResourceDescriptor
- VocabularyTerm
- OntologyTerm
- Resource
- Variant
- GeneNomenclatureSet
range: string
required: false
name: namespace
description: the namespace of the ontology.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: namespace
owner: XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: subsets
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: subsets
owner: XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: string
name: secondary_identifiers
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
- secondary_ids
multivalued: true
alias: secondary_identifiers
owner: XBEDTerm
- SequenceTargetingReagent
- SequenceTargetingReagentDTO
- Reagent
- ReagentDTO
- OntologyTerm
- Figure
- Image
- ExternalDataBaseEntity
- ExternalDataBaseEntityDTO
range: uriorcurie
name: ancestors
description: The ancestors of this term in the ontology, including the term itself.
This language works well for the majority of use cases, however for a relationship
like "develops_from", ancestors are the terms from which this term develops
(not a true parent/child or ancestor/descendant relationship).
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: ancestors
owner: XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: OntologyTermClosure
name: descendants
description: The descendants of this term in the ontology, including the term
itself. This language works well for the majority of use cases, however for
a relationship like "develops_from", ancestors are the terms to which this term
develops into (not a true parent/child or ancestor/descendant relationship).
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
multivalued: true
alias: descendants
owner: XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: OntologyTermClosure
name: child_count
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: child_count
owner: XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: integer
name: descendant_count
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: descendant_count
owner: XBEDTerm
- OntologyTerm
range: integer
name: created_by
description: The individual that created the entity.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
domain: AuditedObject
multivalued: false
alias: created_by
owner: XBEDTerm
- AuditedObject
range: Person
name: date_created
description: The date on which an entity was created. This can be applied to nodes
or edges.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
- creation_date
- dct:createdOn
alias: date_created
owner: XBEDTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: datetime
name: updated_by
description: The individual that last modified the entity.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
domain: AuditedObject
multivalued: false
alias: updated_by
owner: XBEDTerm
- AuditedObject
range: Person
name: date_updated
description: Date on which an entity was last modified.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
- date_last_modified
alias: date_updated
owner: XBEDTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: datetime
name: db_date_created
description: The date on which an entity was created in the Alliance database. This
is distinct from date_created, which represents the date when the entity was
originally created (i.e. at the MOD for imported data).
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: db_date_created
owner: XBEDTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: datetime
name: db_date_updated
description: Date on which an entity was last modified in the Alliance database. This
is distinct from date_updated, which represents the date when the entity was
last modified and may predate import into the Alliance database.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: db_date_updated
owner: XBEDTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: datetime
name: internal
description: Classifies the entity as private (for internal use) or not (for public
- Default value is true.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: internal
owner: XBEDTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: boolean
required: true
name: obsolete
description: Entity is no longer current.
- Obsolete entities are preserved in the database for posterity but should not
be publicly displayed.
from_schema: https://github.com/alliance-genome/agr_curation_schema/alliance_schema
alias: obsolete
owner: XBEDTerm
- AuditedObject
- AuditedObjectDTO
range: boolean